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Dear {{Constituent First Name}}
I am grateful to each of you, for your commitment to healing the divisions and injustices in this world, and your willingness to sit in that discomfort that comes with working across differences. It is through this work that we honor one another, our histories, and create a peaceful future for seven generations ahead.
Please join us on December 10, at 2:00 p.m. for our monthly stakeholder meeting. We are honored to host Liz Hume and the team at Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP) to provide a crucial and timely overview of HB9495. I am including the letter co-authored by many TRUST Network members, and endorsed by an even broader, national landscape.
We will also feature Matthew O'Connell to share the Asset Mapping Matrix (AMM) that he has co-created along with our TRUST+ Centers. The AMM is currently being used by our TRUST+ Centers and provides a comprehensive way for centers to inventory their relationships across their state with organizations that can be activated to respond to early warning hate incidents. Once the beta testing is complete, the AMM will be integrated into our early warning early action ecosystem, TRUSTNet 360.
Sign up for our newsletter which has updates, and events, and frequently lists further ways to be involved. Sign up HERE.
Join the TRUST Network. Just by being a conscious, thoughtful observer of your local conditions, you make important contributions to the early warning/early action system as a Community Monitor. Then, together with your local colleagues and with the support of the TRUST Network, you can take positive action.Learn more HERE.
Leaders of organizations in positive peace actions, violence prevention, deradicalization, crisis data mapping, bridgebuilding, peacebuilding, social/racial justice, democracy, governance, media, and messaging -- we are here to melt the silos and offer you valuable collaboration. Please let us know if you're interested in joining the conversation by emailing us at info@thetrustnetwork.net.
Donate. We believe we can prevent escalation into violent conflict by building a national community cohesion and security infrastructure for the US, including an early warning/early action system. Help us achieve this bydonating HERE.
With Care,
Jennifer Grubbs, Ph.D. National Strategic Architect for the TRUST Network